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Christina Kirchinger (born 1987) is specialized in intaglio printmaking and drawing. She develops her work by daily drawing and engaging with contemporary philosophical texts, space theory and poetry. Her initial interest in space was induced by the architecture of the University of Regensburg. For her first prints during her studies, she invented spatial constellations as backdrops for human relationships with a narrative quality, before she came to focus on physical space itself. Currently, using shaped copper plates that resemble light pencil drawings, she is about to go beyond her fascination for physical space and the relativity of its perception. She is working on some series where spatial constructs gain the capacity to visualize inner feelings and pose philosophical questions.

Kirchinger is based in Regensburg, Germany. She received several awards and grants. In 2022 and 2024, she was granted a residency at the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) in the U.S. She has had one- and two-person shows at the municipal gallery Regensburg, Galerie konstantin b. Regensburg, Galerie Jürgensen Oetjendorf (near Hamburg), GEDOK Munich, Kunstverein Ebersberg and Kunstverein Landshut. Kirchinger has participated in many national and international group exhibitions in Germany (Munich, Leipzig, Frechen, Rosenheim), France (Lyon, Clermont-Ferrand), Austria (Obernberg am Inn), the Czech Republic (Pilsen) and the U.S. (New York City).


Since 2022   Adjunct Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) for Printmaking, University of Eichstätt
Since 2020   Adjunct Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) for Drawing and Intaglio Printmaking, University of Regensburg 
2020–2022   Adjunct Lecturer (Lehrbeauftragte) for Professional Practice in the Industrial Design Program (Faculty of Architecture), University of Applied Sciences Regensburg
2014–2020   Research Assistant, Institute of Fine Arts and Aesthetic Education, University of Regensburg (Classes in Drawing, Printmaking, Introduction to Clay, Introduction to Landscape Painting, Artistic Research)


Since 2016   PhD Candidate, Institute of Fine Arts and Aesthetic Education, University of Regensburg 
2015   Master of Arts in Fine Arts and Aesthetic Education, University of Regensburg
2013   First State Exam for a Teaching Degree (Lehramt Realschule) in Art and English, University of Regensburg
2012   Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts and Aesthetic Education, French Philology and Art History, University of Regensburg

Awards and Grants

2024 (upcoming) Artist Residency, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (US)
2016–24   Studio Grant (Förderkünstlerin), Kunst- und Kulturstiftung Oswald Zitzelsberger
2022   Artist Residency granted by the Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus for the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (US)
2021   Project Grant (Impulsförderung), City of Regensburg
2021   Summer Training for Emerging Artists, The Artist and the Others (NL) and Platform München
2016   Cultural Development Award (Kulturförderpreis), City of Regensburg
2013   Kunstpreis, University of Regensburg, the Universitätsstiftung Pro Arte and the Eberhard-Dirrigl Stiftung
2012   Cultural Development Award (Kulturförderpreis), City of Straubing and Dr. Franz and Astrid Ritter-Stiftung

One/Two Person Exhibitions

2024   (opening: August 22) Sine Loco, Matjö Cologne
2023   At the Edge, Kunstverein Landshut
2022   Yonder, Kunstverein Ebersberg
2021   Distanz, Galerie GEDOK München
2020   Raumstücke, Galerie konstantin b. Regensburg
2018   Steffen Fischer und Christina Kirchinger, Galerie Jürgensen Oetjendorf (near Hamburg)
2018   Position R7, Städtische Galerie im Leeren Beutel Regensburg
2015   Fläche und Raum, Galerie konstantin b. Regensburg
2015   Raumvisionen, Master’s Degree Show, Kunsthalle of the University of Regensburg
2013   Kirchinger und Wutzlhofer, Weytterturm, Straubing

Group Exhibitions (Selection)

20th International Triennial of Graphic Art, Kunstverein zu Frechen (opening: June 22)
KUNST AKTUELL, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim
Grafiken für C.D. Friedrich, Koeppenhaus Greifswald

Zeitstreifen, Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus
Räumen, Leonrodhaus München
Kunst vereint, Neuer Kunstverein Regensburg
Herbstauslese, Galerie konstantin b. Regensburg
Kunst aktuell, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim
Große Ostbayerische Kunstausstellung, Kulturviertel Deggendorf

Verbotenes Terrain, Kunsthaus Kaufbeuren
Kunst aktuell, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim
Ereignis Druckgrafik, Mädler Art Forum Leipzig
Zwanzig, Galerie konstantin b. Regensburg
Hintergründe, Schloss/Städtische Galerie Wertingen
Große Ostbayerische Kunstausstellung, Kunst- und Gewerbeverein Regensburg
Druckkunst, Städtische Galerie Ingolstadt

Starke Frauen, Stadthausgalerie Sonthofen
20 Artistes d’Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, MAPRAA Lyon (FR)
11e Triennale Mondiale de l’Estampe, Chamalières (FR)
28. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot, Aichach
XIX. International Triennial of Graphic Art, Kunstverein zu Frechen
Kunst aktuell, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim

Le Chant de l’Encre, Galerie Municipale d’Art Contemporain Chamalières (FR)
Große Kunstausstellung, Galerie im Ganserhaus, Wasserburg am Inn
Kunst aktuell, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim
Druckkunst in Kallmünz, Kunstraum Atelier Wigg, Kallmünz
Ink: New Prints, Site:Brooklyn Gallery, New York City (US)

Drawing, Site:Brooklyn Gallery, New York City (US)
7th Annual International Print Exhibition, Remarque/New Grounds, Albuquerque (US)
26. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot, Aichach
Sammlung Bezirk Oberpfalz, Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus
Kunst aktuell, Städtische Galerie Rosenheim

Kunstsalon 2018, Fiktion und Fakten, Ägyptisches Museum, Munich
Le Chant de l’Encre, La Passerelle, Avermes (FR)
25. Aichacher Kunstpreis, SanDepot, Aichach
XVIII. Internationale Grafik-Triennale, Kunstverein zu Frechen
URBEX, Erforschung von Stadt und Raum, Sankt Anna-Kapelle, Kunstverein Passau

16 Graveurs d’Auvergne en Rhône-Alpes, MAPRAA, Lyon (FR)
3rd Annual Hand Pulled Prints, Site:Brooklyn Gallery, New York ( US)
10e Triennale Mondiale de l’Estampe, Chamalières (FR)
Große Ostbayerische Kunstausstellung, Kulturviertel, Deggendorf
fokus sammlung3 Reisebilder, Städtische Galerie im Leeren Beutel Regensburg

VIS A VIS, Bildende Kunst aus Bayern, Kunsthaus Obernberg am Inn (AT)
G4. Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland (RO)
transfer_Niederbayern, Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, Schwandorf
2nd Jogja International Miniprint Biennale, Indonesia (RI)
Dorfner Kirchinger Lummer Muhr, Weytterturm, Straubing

Draussen!, Oberpfälzer Künstlerhaus, Schwandorf
Ereignis Druckgrafik 7, Tapetenwerk, Leipzig

9e Triennale Mondiale de l’Estampe, Chamalières (FR)
Ereignis Druckgrafik 6, Galerie Vorortost, Leipzig

Forum Junge Kunst, Städtische Galerie Pilsen (CZ)
Ereignis Druckgrafik 5, Galerie Vorortost, Leipzig

Forum Junge Kunst, Westböhmisches Museum, Pilsen (CZ)
II. International Graphic Art Biennial, Lazarea (RO)
La mort du saltimbanque, Musée d’Art Roger Quillot, Clermont-Ferrand (FR)

Works in Public and Private Collections

2024   Stadt Rosenheim
2019   Sammlung Bezirk Oberpfalz
2017   Museen der Stadt Regensburg
2016   Paul-Gerhard-Haus Regensburg
2016   Kunstsammlung der Sparkasse Regensburg
2014   Kunstsammlung der Sparkasse Schwandorf
2012   Dr. Franz and Astrid Ritter Foundation Straubing
2010   University of Regensburg
2010  Krankenhaus Barmherzige Brüder Regensburg

Works are held in several private collections, including Friedrichsdorf, Hamburg, Munich, New York, Passau and Regensburg.


Since 2022 California Society of Printmakers (US)
Since 2020 GEDOK Munich
Since 2016 BBK Niederbayern/Oberpfalz (Professional Association of Visual Artists Lower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate)
Since 2014 Le Chant de l’Encre Clermont-Ferrand (FR)